Sunday, 28 February 2016

DMRHC (3 years Medical course )

Govt. of Assam  has  successfully  come forward to search out a novel  path  for solutions  of the  problems  of Health  Care Delivery  System  in rural  areas  by producing  a set  of  skilled health  professionals called Rural  Health  Practitioner  (RHP)s through introduction  of  a new course  called  Diploma  in Medicine and Rural  Health Care  (DMRHC) course.

DMRHC course is a 3 year course  with another six  months  period of  internship  training.

                                     On  4th  September, 2004  the Assam Rural Health Regulatory  Authority Act, 2004  of the Assam Legislative  Assembly received the assent  of the  Governor. It was  notified on 9th  September, 2004  and published in The Assam   Gazette Extra  Ordinary  on 18th  September, 2004.

The Main Objective  of  the Act.

      To provide for  the  establishment  of  Regulatory Authority  in the  state of Assam  to regulate  and register  the  diploma  holders in Medicine  and Rural Health  Care (DMRHC)  and their  practice of  Medicine  in rural  areas.
     To regulate  opening  of Medical  Institute  for imparting  Education and Training  for the  course of  Diploma in Medicine  and Rural Health  Care (DMRHC).

Community Health Officers (CHO)

Community Health Officers are the grass root medical practitioners who had graduated with Diploma in Medicine and rural health care from Med...