Wednesday, 11 March 2015

Admission - medical institute jorhat

Director of
Medical Education, Assam has announced
admission notification into the three years
course of Diploma in Medicine and Rural
Health Care (DMRHC) in the Medical
Institute, Jorhat .

Candidates can obtain application form
from the principals of Gauhati Medical
College, Assam Medical College, Silchar
Medical College and Medical Institute,
Jorhat by paying an amount of Rs. 50/-
only through treasury challan under the
Head of Account “0210-M&PH-03-
MET&R-105-Allopathy” . Application form
will be available from  July.

Candidates should be a
permanent resident of Assam
and citizen of India.
Candidates must qualify
HSSLC Examination in
science stream with English,
Physics, Chemistry and
Biology without any grace
marks and repeat.
Candidates belonging to
general category must obtain
50% marks in PCB and for
SC/ST/OBC candidates, this
marks is relaxed to 40%.
Age of the candidates should
be in between 17 years to 24
years as on 31 st December,
2013. Upper age limit is
relaxed by 3 years for
candidates of SC/ST/OBC
Candidates will be selected on the basis of
marks obtained in the subjects Physics,
Chemistry and
Biology in the HSSLC Examination.
Candidates have to submit the attested
copy of the following documents along with
the application form-
Marks Sheet of the HSSLC
examination ,
Admit card of HSLC or
equivalent examination as
proof of age,
Caste Certificate ,
Permanent Residential
Certificate ,
Copy of Treasury Challan of
Rs.50 /-
Filled up application form with all relevant
documents should be submitted at the
office of the
respective Principal from where the
application form were obtained by hand or
by post offices.

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Community Health Officers (CHO)

Community Health Officers are the grass root medical practitioners who had graduated with Diploma in Medicine and rural health care from Med...